Unit 5 Definitions
Identifying Business Opportunities
Brainstorming: A creativity technique for coming up with new ideas
Research and Development: Investing in the development of new and improved products
Networking: Making useful business contacts through socializing, attending meetings of professional organisations or joining useful clubs
Management Buy-outs: Managers in a business buy it from the owners and earn profit for themselves
Market Research: Process of gathering and analyzing information about the potential market for a product
Desk Research: Accessing research that has already been gathered by others
Field Research: Going into the marketplace to gather the business information directly from customers and competitors
Customer Surveys: Using a questionnaire and asking consumers about their attitudes towards new product ideas or to existing goods and services
Sampling: Interviewing a small group of people who are representative of the larger target market
Product Screening: Sorting the promising product/service ideas from the weak ones
Unique Selling Point: Feature of a product/service that makes it attractive and distinctly different from rivals
Feasibility Study: A preliminary investigation into how realistic it will be to produce a product, how much it will cost, how many it is likely to sell and how much profit could be generated
Prototype: A sample product manufactured on an experimental basis to see if the design works in practice and appeals to consumers
Test Marketing: Launching the product on a small scale to evaluate consumer reaction to it
Fixed Costs: Costs that remain the same regardless of the number of products produced
Variable Costs: Costs that vary depending on how many units are produced
Break-even Point: Amount of sales that must be achieved at a particular price in order to cover costs and break even
Margin Of Safety: The amount by which a firms sales can drop before reaching break-even point
Marketing: Identifying the needs of consumers and then producing and selling products and services to satisfy those needs profitably
Marketing Strategy: Plan setting out how a business will identify and satisfy the customer needs identified by market research
Market Segmentation: Dividing consumers into different categories
Demographic Segmentation: Analyses the customers in terms of age, gender, income, social class, area, etc.
Psychological Segmentation: Analyses the customers based on their attitudes and tastes
Market Niche: A specific gap in the market for a new product/service
Product Positioning: Creating an image for a product in the mind of consumers in the target market
Product: Good or service produced to meet a customer need
Branding: Creating an identity for a product that clearly distinguishes it from competitors
Brand Leader: The brand with the highest percentage share of a particular market
Own-label Brands: Products sold by retailers under their own brand name
Patent: Provides legal protection of an invention or a design of a product to the inventor or designer
Trademark: Logos that are legally registered by a business to distinguish them and their products from competitors
Pricing Strategies: Aim to set a price that will help the firm to achieve its long-term marketing objectives
Mark-up/Cost-plus Pricing: Adding a standard percentage profit to the direct costs of production of the item to arrive at the final selling price
Psychological Pricing: Setting a price based on the expectations of the customers in the target market
Premium Pricing: A firm deliberately charges a higher price than competitors to create an impression of superior quality
Price Skimming: A firm charges a very high price at the launch of a new product with the intention of recovering the high development costs as quicly as possible
Profit-maximizing Pricing: Setting a price that will generate the largest amount of profit as quickly as possible
Penetration Pricing: When an initial low price is charged in order to capture as much market share as quickly as possible
Discriminatory Pricing: Charging different prices to different customers for the same product or service
Predatory Pricing: Setting prices below cost in order to drive a competitor out of the market
Loss Leader: Products sold at or below cost price in the hope of generating other more profitable sales
Place: Where customers will be able to access the goods or services
Channel of Distribution: The various paths that goods may follow from producer to consumer
Wholesalers: Businesses that buy in very large quantities from producers and sell in smaller quantities to retailers
Retailers: Outlets at the end of the chain of distribution that sell goods and services to consumers
Agents: Businesses contracted to sell goods on behalf of a producer in a particular area
Promotion: All efforts made by the seller to communicate and influence the target market to buy a product
Advertising: Consists of messages designed to inform, persuade or remind people to buy a product or service
Point-of-sale Advertising: Uses promotional displays at the place of purchase
Merchandising: Point-of-sale promotional displays designed to attract attention to a product and increase sales
Personal Selling: Contacting existing and potential customers in person to generate sales
Telemarketing: Communicating with customers by telephone to generate sales and deal with customer queries and complaints
Direct Mail: Sending promotional messages directly to target customers, most commonly by post, door-to-door leafleting or e-mail
Spam: Electronic junk mail
Public Relations: Communicating with the media using news stories to create good publicity for a firm or its products or to respond to negative publicity
Sponsorship: Type of PR where a company pays money towards the cost of a sporting or other charitable cause
Getting Started
Sole Traders: Own and manage their own businesses
Partnerships: Two or more people (but not more than 20) are in business together in order to make a profit
Private Limited Company (Ltd): Businesses registered with the Companies Registration Office that are owned by investors called shareholders
Co-operatives: Businesses that are democratically owned and controlled by their members who may be the firms workers, suppliers or customers
Job Production: Producing a single product at a time usually customized to meet the needs of a particular customer
Batch Production: Manufacturing a limited number of identical goods at the same time
Mass Production: Continuous production of large quantities of identical goods
Subcontracting: Finding a supplier to manufacture part of or the entire product for you
Business Plan: Document setting out who is setting up the enterprise, what is the product or service, how is it going to be produced and promoted, where it is going to be sold, where the finance is expected to come from and how much profit is expected to be generated
Business Expansion
Economies of Scale: Benefits that arise in a business as it becomes larger and more efficient
Organic Growth: A firm expands gradually through the use of its existing products or by developing new products
Inorganic Growth: Forming strategic alliances with, or by engaging in mergers and acquisitions of, other businesses
Licensing: Allowing other firms to use or sell an invention or design in return for payment of a licence fee or royalty
Franchising: Renting of a complete business idea, including name, logo and products to someone else
Diversification: Increasing the range of products or services offered by the business
Strategic Alliances: When two or more firms agree to co-operate in the establishment of a project or business together
Acquisitions/Takeovers: When one firm buys at least 50% of the voting shares of another firm and gains majority control
Subsidiaries: Companies where another company owns 50% or more of their shares
Mergers: When the managers and shareholders of tow companies of roughly equal size agree to voluntarily join together to form a single firm
Equity: Finance provided by the owners of a business
Retained Earnings: Profits are retained in the business to finance further developments
Debentures: Long-term fixed-interest loans secured on a valuable asset
Sale and Leaseback: Contract to raise cash by selling a piece of property and simultaneously leasing it back on a long-term lease
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