Saturday, 21 May 2016

Irish Essay- Politics

An Polaitíocht

Is minic na polaiteoirí i mbéal na ndaoine, gan trácht ar na nuachtáin, an raidió nó an teilifís. Dar leo féin gur daoine iad a dhéanann rogha den pholaitíocht chun leas na tíre a dhéanamh, gnáthdhaoine a bhfuil coinsias sóisialta láidir acu agus a théann i muinín na ndaoine chun vótanna a fháíl. An amhlaidh a thiocfadh na daoine leis an tuairim seo?

Is cnámh spairne iad na polaiteoirí don phobal i gcoitinne, má's fíor a ndeirtear fúthu. Is dócha go dtuigeann an pobal fírinne an tseanfhocail ''is fusa geallúint ná comhlíonadh''. Baineann seo leis na polaiteiorí ach go háirithe. Féach orthu ar lic na ndoirse ag geallúint gréine is gealaí roimh na toghcháin. Ní tuisce iad istigh sa Dáil ná go mbeidh malairt aigne acu mar go bhfuil airgead gann nó páipéar bán le críochnú. Feictear don ghnáthdhuine gurb ionann iad go léir ainneoin na difríochtaí idir na páirtíthe. Éiríonn na daoine bréan de ghealltanais gan substaint, agus ní haon ionadh é nach mbíonn meas madra acu ar na polaiteoirí.

Tagraíonn Peig Sayers do sheanfhocal cuí: ''An fear bocht mar is féidir agus an fear saibhir mar a shantóidh''. Caitheadh fiche milliún euro d'airgead lucht íoctha cánach ar áras an rialtais a athchóiriú, gan trácht ar na limisíní a úsáideann na hairí rialtais féin. Thuigfí don té a éireodh soiniciúil agus é tinn tuirseach de bheith ag ceangal a chreasa go teann fad a fheictear do a leithéid. Feictear don phobal go bhfuil na polaiteoirí go teann ina suí fad is atá an tír in umar na haimléise.

Cnuimh eile i tsrón an phobail i leith ár bpolaiteoirí ná na laethanta saoire fada a bhíonn acu, é sin agus postanna maithe cheana féin ag go leor dóibh. Nuair a bhíonn trí scór go leith bliain slánaithe ag an ngnáthdhuine, bíonn air éirí as obair. Braithfidh an pinsean a bheidh ag duine ar a bhfuil curtha i leataobh dó/di, ach má's polaiteoirí é/í, beidh pinsean breá Stáit aige/aici go deireadh a shaoil.

Fágann sin go gcothaítear meon soiniciúil i measc na ndaoine. Is beag ídéalachás ná ionracas féin a fheictear i measc cheannairí ár dtíre. Ní fada a mhaireann iad siúd a seasann lena bprionsabail. Cothaíonn an drochshampla seo olc agus fuarchúis i measc an aosa óig. Ní thig linn bheith ag siúl le caighdeáin arda moráltachta uathu súid nuair a fheictear dóibh an chaimiléireacht atá ar siúl i measc lucht riaracháin ár dtíre. An fiú do gharda óg dul i ngleic le gaigín fíochmhar nuair a thuigeann sé go mbeidh na stocairí sráide céanna amuigh ar na sráideanna, lá arna mhárnach? Cathain a athrófar na dlíthe chun an scéal seo a réiteach? An gá páipéar bán eile chun an scannal seo a léiriú dúinn arís?

Cinnte tá polaiteorí den scoth ann ar mór acu cothram na Féinne ach, faraor, is é tuairim an ghnathdhuine go bhfuil a bhformhór ag tochras a gceirtlín féin. Tá an baol ann go dtitfidh creatlach sóisialta na tíre as a chéile mura dtagann feabhas mór ar chursaí sa tír seo. Cé gur cheapamar uilig go raibh deireadh tagtha le réim na mbarún drugaí tar éis dhunmharú Veronica Guerin, faraor, bhí dul amú orainn. Tá na barúin dhrugaí go teann ina suí agus cóiriúlacht agus scríosadóireacht ó smacht sna cathracha. Nach bhfuil sé thar am do na polaiteoirí rud éigin cruthaitheach a dhéanamh faoi?

Conas is féidir má'sea meas an phobail a tharraingt orthu arís? Ar an gcéad dul síos, b'fhiú do gach polaiteoir tuairiscí dá shaibhreas pearsanta féin a chur ar fáil don phobal. Níor chóir go mbeadh lucht gnó ag cur airgid isteach i bpáirtithe polaitiúla mar is baol go mbeadh fábhar i gceist. Níor chóir go mbeadh pinsean Stáit ró-ard ag polaiteoir ar bith ná cead aige fanacht in oifig ró-fhada. Ba chóir do pholateoirí dlíthe a réachtáil do leas na tíre agus gan bheith ag tochras ar a gceirtlín féin sna clinicí áitiúla. Sa chaoi seo b'fhéidir go mbeadh aire na bpolaiteoirí ar fhadhbanna na tíre: ciníochas, stáid an chórais leighis, cóiriúlacht, cás na bpríosúnach agus cás lucht íochta cánach, gan trácht ar chás ár seandaoine.

Irish Essay- Refugee Crisis

Gearchéim na dTeifeach

Le tamall de blianta anois, tá cogaíocht agus foréigean ar siúl i dtíortha sa Mhéanoirtear, agus sa tSiria ach go háirithe. Tá na céadta míle duine tar éis bás a fháil sa choimhlint fhuilteach seo cheana féin. In 2015, thosaigh na mílte teifeach ag teacht chun na hEorpa ag lorg dídine ón gcogadh. Chuir rialtas na hÉireann an bád cabhlaigh an LÉ Eithne go dtí an Mheánmhuir chun tarrtháil a dhéanamh ar na céadta teifeach a bhí ag iarraidh dul go dtí an Iodail. D'éirigh leis an LÉ Eithne breis agus 500 imirceach a tharrtháil sular tháinig sí thar n-ais go hÉireann. I mí Lunasa, cuireadh an LÉ Niamh go dtí an Mheánmhuir agus rinne sí an rud céanna.

Ach cad ba chúis leis an ngearchéim na dteifeach seo? An chúis ba mhó ná cogadh cathartha agus an foréigean sa Mheanoirthear. Tá tromlach na dteifeach atá ag éalú agus ag teiteadh ag teacht ón tSiria. Ó thús an chogaidh in 2011, maraíodh idir 220,000 agus 330,000 duine agus tá 4,000,000 eile ar a laghad cláraithe mar theifigh. Tá an t-uafás dídeanaithe ón tSiria sa Tuirc, san Iordáin agus sa Liobáín cheana, ach de réir a chéile, tá níos mó acu ag teacht i dtír san Eoraip. Chomh maith leis sin, tagann teifigh ón Iaráic, ón Iaráin, ón bPalaistín agus ón Aetóip. Bíonn cuid mhaith de na daoine seo i ndeireadh na feide agus ar an ngannchuid. Ní bhíonn an tarna rogha acu ach teitheadh ón gcaismirt, ón deirteadh fola agus ón nglanadh eitneach ina dtíortha féin.

Is iad an Ungáir agus an Ostair an dá thír atá sa bhearna bhaoil, más maith leat. Bíonn ar na teifigh a mbealach a dhéanamh trí na tíortha sin chun an Ghearmáín, an Fhrainc, an Bhreatain agus Éire a shroicheadh. Tá ballaí cosanata curhta suas ag an Ungáir chun na teifigh a chóinneáil amach, agus is minic a bhíonn sceilmid, troid agus achram ag teorainneacha na hUngáire idir na teifigh atá ag iarraidh teacht isteach sa tír agus na póilíní atá ag iarraidh gan ligean dóibh teacht isteach. Cé go bhfuil líon mór daoine i bhfabhar na dteifeach, tá líon sách ard ann chomh maith atá ina gcoinne.

Ach chuir an grainghraf a glacadh den bhuacaill beag trí bliana d'aois ón tSiria- Aylan Kurdi- a bádh sa Mheanmhuir agus ar tháinig a chorp i dtír ar thrá sa Tuirc uafás agus alltacht ar an domhan mór. Bhí trua an domhain ag daoine do na teifigh bhochta agus mhéadaigh suim an phobail i ngearchéim na dteifech go mór. Ag cruinniú mullaigh sa Bhruiséil i lár na bliana seo caite, lean comhráite go moch maidine faoin tslí is fearr dul i ngleic leis an ngearchéim maidir le himircigh sa Mheanmhuir. D'aontaigh na ceannairí sa deireadh na mílte imirceach, atá tar éis an Iodail agus an Ghréig a shroicheadh, a athlonnú. Dúirt Áisíneacht na dTeifeach de chuid na Náisiún Aontaithe gur céim thabhachtach í seo, ach go gcaithfear i bhfad níos mó a dhéanamh.

Tá sé i gceist líon mór imirceach a athlonnú sa chéad dá bhliain eile, ach ní bheidh cuótaí éigeantacha ann do bhallstáit, rud a bhí á lorg ag an gCoimisiún Eorpach. D'aontaigh rialtas na hÉireann go mbeidís sásta glacadh le 4,000 teifeach agus soláthar díreach a chur ar fáil dóibh sa tír seo.

Mar fhocal scóir, ba mhaith liom a rá gur fadhb mhór í fadhb na dteifeach. Is in olcas atá an ghearchéím seo ag dul, agus tá líon na dteifeach atá ag lorg dídine agus ag teitheadh chun na hEorpa ag dul i méid an t-am ar fad. Tá muintir na hÉireann ag déanamh a ndícheall, ach ní dóigh liom go bhfuil go leor áiseanna ná go leor tithe againn anseo in Éirinn chun freastal ar an síoréileamh atá ann don soláthar díreach. Luath nó mall, caithfidh ceannairí an domhain teacht ar phlean chun an chogaíocht agus an foréigean go léir sa Mheanoirthear a laghdú.

Thursday, 19 May 2016

Economic Geography- Renewable Energy

Discuss the environmental and economic advantages of using renewable energy resources.

Renewable energy is natural resources that will not run out. Renewable energy resources include solar, wing, water, tidal and biomass. Ireland has been slow to develop its renewable energy resources, but it has increased in recent years. By 2020, the European Renewable Energy Directive wants to increase the consumption of renewable energy to 16%. Ireland would see both environmental and economic advantages to increased use of wind and wave energy.

Wind Energy
Ireland has ideal conditions for generating wind power. As an island in the Atlantic Ocean, Ireland is constantly exposed to winds from the sea. The development of wind power began in the 1990's and includes 100 onshore wind energy projects and offshore wind farms. In 2010, 14% of electricity production in Ireland was produced from wind energy. The Arklow Bank Wind Park was the first offshore wind park located in Ireland, 10km from Arklow, Co. Wicklow. Developed in 2004, these 7 turbines were the largest commercial turbines in the world at that time. The environmental advantage of wind energy is that it is a clean and green source of power, and economically it is a free source of energy available in Ireland and cuts down the cost of importing other energy sources, Also, there is the possibility of generating money for the economy, as we may be able to export the excess wind power to neighbouring countries like the UK. 

Wave Energy
The sea is an endless source of power and, as Ireland is an island, the potential to use this natural renewable resource is endless. The waves hitting the western shores have travelled from the Atlantic Ocean, That combined with our South-Westerly prevailing winds makes the West of Ireland the world's most suitable location for wave power. The average wave has 76kw of power and there are plans to develop the world's largest wave farm along the west coast. Turbines are placed on the sea bed and as the waves pass through them, the turbines turn and generate electricity. The SEAI have tested these turbines in Galway Bay. Investment is now needed to implement this project, which would bring economic and environmental benefits to Ireland.

Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Physical Geography- Chemical Weathering

Explain how the process(es) of mechanical weathering or chemical weathering help to shape the Irish landscape.

Chemical weathering refers to the disintegration of rock as a result of chemical changes in the mineral composition if the rock. The four main processes of chemical weathering are: solution, hydration, oxidation and carbonation. Carbonation is caused by rainwater that has absorbed carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to form a weak carbonic acid. The slightly acidic rainwater dissolves certain minerals in the rock.

Carbonation has shaped the Irish landscape in the Burren, Co. Clare. The Burren is Ireland's most famous limestone region. It was formed 300 million years ago during the carboniferous period. The bones of living things got compressed, compacted and cemented together to form a limestone pavement. Limestone is a permeable rock, which means water can pass through it. Carbonation can be seen above the surface in many areas of the Burren. Due to carbonation, clints and grikes can be seen in the strata of the limestone. Grikes are vertical cracks that develop along a joint. They are seen in between slabs of limestone known as clints. Karrens may also be evident when a small hollow forms on the surface of the limestone clint. They are caused by rainwater and acids dissolving the rock. 

Carbonation has also created a distinctive landscape below the surface of the Burren. It can lead to caves forming such as the Ailwee Caves. This happens when a river disappears underground through a swallow hole, leading to a passage being created. Many dripstone features can be seen in these caves or caverns, such as stalactites, stalagmites and pillars. Stalactites form when drops of water containing dissolved limestone seep through cracks in the cave roof. These drops lose carbon dioxide, deposit calcite and hang down from the cave roof. Stalagmites are formed when water droplets fall to the cave floor. They deposit calcite and build up from the floor. Pillars are formed when stalactites and stalagmites grow towards each other and eventually meet.

Economic Geography- EU Policy

Examine the impact of any one European Union policy on the Irish economy.

A European Union policy that has impacted on the Irish economy is the Common Agricultural Policy. Overall, Ireland has benefited greatly from this policy. The CAP was introduced in Ireland in 1973 when we joined the EU. The policy aimed to raise farm incomes, guarantee prices for agricultural produce and provide subsidies to support farmers. This ensures a good standard of living for agricultural workers as well as providing food at fair prices for consumers. 

The EU categorized Western Ireland as the most disadvantaged area in Ireland, so it received high subsidies and grants. This modernized the agricultural sector, made it more efficient, and improved food quality and animal welfare. However, it also brought about the following issues:

  1. Food surpluses (linked to production): The more food a farmer produced, the more money they would receive. This caused a build-up of surplus food.
  2. Food prices: Farmers received guaranteed prices for the food they produced. Tariffs were placed on goods imported from outside the EU. To maintain prices, the EU bought surplus produce. This build up of dairy, meat and cereal produce caused 'food mountains'. This storage of food was costly, so the EU sold surpluses at low prices. This damaged exports to developing countries.

The CAP has also had other impacts on the Irish economy and Irish farmers.
  1. CAP reforms: The EU began reforming the CAP in 1992 as the high cost of its policies could not be maintained. The reform moved the CAP away from being a production-orientated policy. This encouraged farmers to diversify into other areas, such as organic farming.
  2. Decoupling: This aimed to break the link between subsidies and production. Quotas were placed on the production of milk. Penalties were put on farmers for overproducing. As a result, farming became more sustainable and market orientated. However, these milk quotas expired in 2015.
  3. Income supports: Price supports were replaced by direct income supports. A direct single payment is made to farmers each year. The removal of price supports means international food prices are no longer affected by the EU subsidizing agricultural exports.
  4. Food safety: Consumer demand for food safety has risen due to food scares, eg. food and mouth, horse-meat burgers. The CAP therefore promotes food safety by encouraging products to be traceable back to their source. Food producers are responsible for the quality of their food.
  5. Rural development policy: In the 21st century, CAP has focused on the economic, social and environmental development of rural areas. The policy supports innovation and competitiveness. Local Action Groups receive funding to design development strategies in local areas, eg. environmental improvements- water quality control, land management.

Physical Geography- Human Interaction with the Rock Cycle

Examine how humans interact with the rock cycle, with reference to one of the following:
  • Mining
  • Extraction of Building Materials
  • Oil/Gas Exploitation
  • Geothermal Energy Production

Humans interact with the rock cycle through the extraction of building materials, or quarrying. Quarrying is the removal of rock from large pits on the Earth's Surface. It is used to take building materials from the Earth. There are over 400 active quarries in Ireland, eg. Cemex in Tullamore. Solid rock is extracted from these quarries and provides the raw materials needed for roads, houses, paving and floors.

There are 3 different methods of quarrying: plug and feather, explosive and channel. Plug and feather quarrying involves drilling holes into the Earth's Surface to split the rock. It is used to extract large pieces of rock, eg. for floor coverings. Explosive quarrying involves the use of explosives to blast large or small rock fragments from the Earth's Surface. Channel quarrying uses machinery to cut large slabs of rock from the Earth's Surface. It is used for metamorphic rock, eg. marble. The Eiscir Riada is a large quarrying site stretching from Galway to Dublin where each of these methods take place.

Quarrying can have both positive and negative impacts. It employs thousands of people in Ireland, both directly and indirectly. The materials extracted from quarrying can be used in the construction industry. However, quarrying creates visual, noise, dust and water pollution, The heavy machinery needed for quarrying can cause damage to roads and infrastructure. Also, disused quarries scar the natural landscape. 

Carrara is a city in Tuscany, Italy that is famous for the marble quarried there. It is pure white marble that has been used since the time of Ancient Rome. It was used by Michelangelo to create the Statue of David. Carrara marble is exported all around the world and has been used in the construction of many famous buildings, such as the Taj Mahal in India. As it is pure white, it is ideal for use in warmer countries as it reflects the light and creates an air of coolness.

Economic Geography- MNC's

With reference to one MNC you have studied, examine how its distribution is influenced by global factors.

An MNC I have studied is Nike. Nike has a global approach to production and marketing, and its ability to trade on a global scale is down to improvements that have been made in the areas of transport, telecommunications, supply of raw materials, labour supply and government taxes.

As an MNC, Nike is an example of a footloose industry, meaning it has flexibility in relation to where it can expand its operations. Nike follows a pyramid structure where the headquarters is located in Beaverton, Washington. Most research and development is done from here. They have annual sales of $10 billion and directly employ 16,000 people. In its headquarters, the company employs a highly skilled and high wage workforce with an emphasis on research and the development of its main products, namely footwear and sports clothing. The HQ is the centre of decision-making and controls and monitors all Nike operations around the world.

Nike has many regional headquarters in Europe and Asia that control regional operations. However most of its production is outsourced to other companies. They have contracts with more than 700 shops around the world and have offices located in 45 countries around the US. Most of these factories are located in Asia, including Indonesia, China, Taiwan, India, Thailand, Vietnam, Pakistan, the Philippines and Malaysia. Nike is hesitant to disclose information about their contract companies, but they are said to employ up to half a million people. 

From the early 1970's to the 1980's, Nike operated production activities in core economies, including the USA, Ireland and Britain. However, due to rising labour costs and increased union activity, the company relocated these manufacturing units to cheaper labour markets, particularly in South-East Asia (South Korea and Taiwan, and more recently Indonesia, Thailand and China). Here, production activities are outsourced to over 30 different companies. During the 1990's, Nike was investigated due to concerns over potential exploitation of labour in these developing countries. Significant media coverage was given to these claims that Nike goods were manufactured in sweatshop conditions. IN an effort to reduce negative media attention, Nike joined the Fair Labour Association, which guarantees basic minimum wages and decent working conditions. Nike is an example of an MNC which has adapted a global approach to attain economic advantages related to the supply and cost of labour in the global periphery.