Discuss the environmental and economic advantages of using renewable energy resources.
Renewable energy is natural resources that will not run out. Renewable energy resources include solar, wing, water, tidal and biomass. Ireland has been slow to develop its renewable energy resources, but it has increased in recent years. By 2020, the European Renewable Energy Directive wants to increase the consumption of renewable energy to 16%. Ireland would see both environmental and economic advantages to increased use of wind and wave energy.
Wind Energy
Ireland has ideal conditions for generating wind power. As an island in the Atlantic Ocean, Ireland is constantly exposed to winds from the sea. The development of wind power began in the 1990's and includes 100 onshore wind energy projects and offshore wind farms. In 2010, 14% of electricity production in Ireland was produced from wind energy. The Arklow Bank Wind Park was the first offshore wind park located in Ireland, 10km from Arklow, Co. Wicklow. Developed in 2004, these 7 turbines were the largest commercial turbines in the world at that time. The environmental advantage of wind energy is that it is a clean and green source of power, and economically it is a free source of energy available in Ireland and cuts down the cost of importing other energy sources, Also, there is the possibility of generating money for the economy, as we may be able to export the excess wind power to neighbouring countries like the UK.
Wave Energy
The sea is an endless source of power and, as Ireland is an island, the potential to use this natural renewable resource is endless. The waves hitting the western shores have travelled from the Atlantic Ocean, That combined with our South-Westerly prevailing winds makes the West of Ireland the world's most suitable location for wave power. The average wave has 76kw of power and there are plans to develop the world's largest wave farm along the west coast. Turbines are placed on the sea bed and as the waves pass through them, the turbines turn and generate electricity. The SEAI have tested these turbines in Galway Bay. Investment is now needed to implement this project, which would bring economic and environmental benefits to Ireland.
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