Saturday, 28 November 2015

Leaving Cert Irish Essay- Terrorism

An Sceimhlitheoireacht ar Fud an Domhain

Tá sceimhlitheoireacht ag déanamh scime dúinn go léir. Gan dabht ar bith, tá an sceimhlitheoireacht ar cheann de phríomhfhadhbanna polaitiúla na haoise seo. Fabhd idirnaisiúnta is ea í agus is beag tír ar domhan nach bhfuil a chion féin den uafás fulaingthe aici, agus nach bhfuil taithí acu le sceimhlitheoireacht de shaghas éigin. Is beag lá a ghabhann thart anois nach gcloistear faoi ghníomh uafáis curtha i gcrích ag grúpa sceimhlitheoirí éigin.

Ach ar dtús fiafraímís dúinn féin cén sórt daoine a dhéanann na gníomhartha sceimhlitheoireachta seo? Go bunúsach is antoiscigh iad a úsáideann sceimhlitheoirí scéin agus sceimhle chun a gcuid aidhmeanna polaitiúla nó creidimh a bhaint amach. Is daoine gan náire, gan trócaire is ea iad, daoine a dhéanann fuadach, buamáil, scrios, reathadh, buamáil féinmharú agus dúnmharú. Is é donas an scéil ná gur daoine neamhchoideacha a fhulaingíonn de bharr na faidhbe seo. Caithfear an fód a sheasamh ina gcoinne. Gan amhras, is í an fichiú haois ré an sceimhlitheora agus le blianta beaga anuas tá an fadhb casta seo imithe ó smacht. Níl lá dá dtagann lúinn cinnlínte na nuachta faoi eachtraí uafáis a bhaineann le sceimhlitheoireacht áit éigin sa domhan.

Tá go leor taithí againn sa tír seo leis an sceimhlitheoireacht agus níl deireadh leis an méid daoine neamhurchóideacha atá mearbh sa tuaisceart ó thosaigh na trioblóidí ansin sa bhliain 1969. Bhí an IRA freagrach as an buamáil in Omagh agus go leor eile. Ach tá feabhas mór tagtha ar an scéal le blianta anuas, buíochas leis an bPróiseas Síochána agus de Chomhaontú Aoine an Cheasta. Níl síocháin iomlán sna sé chontae go foill agus is mór an méid a d'fhulaingt na daoine ó thuaisceart na tíre seo.

Faoi láthair, nuair a smaoinimid ar sceimhlitheoireacht, smaoinimid ar antoiscigh Mhoslamacha, a cheapann go bhfuil cúis mhaith acu aon duine nach maith leio nó nach n-aontaíonn leo a mhárú. Is mian leo stáit Ioslámach a chur ar bun. Le blianta beaga anuas, tá an grúpa seo ag glacadh seilbhe ar thalamh in Oirthear na Siria agus i dtuaisceart na hIaráice. Tá cathracha agus olacheantair ina seilbh acu anois mar aon le go leor airgid agus airm.

Baineadh stangadh as cuid mhaith den domhain le déanaí nuair a rinneadh ionsaí sceimhlitheoireachta ar an mBataclan i bPáras agus níos luaithe ar Oifigí Charlie Hebdo. Bhí Isis freagrach leis na hionsaithe uafásacha seo. Ionsaí mailíseach é seo ar an domhain Iarthair agus ní amháin go raibh tionchar ar mhuintir na Fraince ach bhuail sé gach duine timpeall an domhain. Teastaíonn an grúpa atá taobh thiar den ionsaí stop a chur leis an saoirse., Is dóigh leis na daoine seo gur cheart dúinn ar fad a bheith ag guí go a nDia siúd. Níl aon insint ar an sceimhle a bhain leis an oíche sin i bPáras agus tá an sceimhle sin fós le brath san aer. Tá muintir na hEorpa go léir éiginnteach faojn cad atá i ndán don domhain anois.

Ní dhéanfaidh éinne dearmad ar na heachtraí uafásacha a tharla i Nua Eabhrac sa bhliain 2001 nuair a d'eitil na heitleáin mharfacha sin i gcoinne an Lárionad Trádála agus na daoine neamhurchóideacha a maraíodh san ionsaí díchéillí sin. Ba é ar cheann de na hionsaithe ba mheasa riamh i stair an domhain. Fuair thart ar thrí mhíle duine bás an lá sin agus ba de shlíocht Éireannach cuid mhaith acu agus fágadh Nua Eabhrac ina charn smionagair agus deataigh. Baineadh na hionsaithe barbartha seo geit as gach duine ar fud an domhain. Ba é an t-antoisceach Moslamach Osama Bin Laden agus a lucht leanúna freagrach leis an gníomh úafásach sceimhlitheoireachta seo. Creideann sé gur namhaid é na Stáit Aontaithe mr go dtugann siad tacaíocht d'Iosrael. Tá muintir na hAfganastáine ag fulaingt de dheasca an chogaidh atá ar siúl faoi láthair idir Méiriceá agus Afganistáin.

Is iomaí cúis atá leis an sceimhlitheoireacht. Níl dabht ná go bhfuil dlúthbhaint ag cúrsaí staire leis an scéal i go leor tíortha. An fadhb is mó atá ann anois, feictear domsa, ná go bhfuil an domhain roinnte ina dhá leath maidir leis an sceimhlitheoireacht. Ar thaboh amháin, tá na Comhghaillithe ar nós Bush agus Blair ag iarraidh fadhb na sceimlitheoireachta a réiteach trí chogaidh a chur ar na sceimhlitheoirí agus ar na tíortha a thugann tacaíocht dóibh. Is as seo a d'fhás féinimeán an bhuamadóra fhéinmharaithe den chéad uair, Is feinimeán uafásach é mar go gceapann na bumadóirí seo go bhfuil an rud ceart a dhéanamh acus go bhfuil glóir Dé i ndán dóibh i saol eile. Is cinnte go bhfuil meascán de chúiseanna leis an bhfadhb chasta, conspóideach seo, reiligiúin, tírghrá agus fadhb an bhochtanais san áireamh.

Ag an bpointe seo, caithfear an cheist a chur an bhfuil aon réiteach i ndán don fhadhb chasta seo?Is oth liom a rá nach bhfuil aon réiteach shimplí ar an scéal. Tá sé an-deacair breith ar sceimhlitheoirí agus caithfimid a bheith san airdeall ar aerfóirtí agus cuanta. Tá sé de dhualgas ar mhuintir an domhain aghaidh a thabhairt ar an gceist mhór seo. Ní mór dúinn go léir ár ndícheall a dhéanamh ar son na síochána, agus sochaí níos cothroime a chrúthú. Caithfear leanúint ag lorg réitigh mar gur daoine neamhurchóideacha atá ag fulaingt i ndeireadh an lae.

Thursday, 19 November 2015

Leaving Cert Business: Unit 5

Unit 5 Definitions

Identifying Business Opportunities

Brainstorming: A creativity technique for coming up with new ideas
Research and Development: Investing in the development of new and improved products
Networking: Making useful business contacts through socializing, attending meetings of professional organisations or joining useful clubs
Management Buy-outs: Managers in a business buy it from the owners and earn profit for themselves
Market Research: Process of gathering and analyzing information about the potential market for a product
Desk Research: Accessing research that has already been gathered by others
Field Research: Going into the marketplace to gather the business information directly from customers and competitors
Customer Surveys: Using a questionnaire and asking consumers about their attitudes towards new product ideas or to existing goods and services
Sampling: Interviewing a small group of people who are representative of the larger target market
Product Screening: Sorting the promising product/service ideas from the weak ones
Unique Selling Point: Feature of a product/service that makes it attractive and distinctly different from rivals
Feasibility Study: A preliminary investigation into how realistic it will be to produce a product, how much it will cost, how many it is likely to sell and how much profit could be generated
Prototype: A sample product manufactured on an experimental basis to see if the design works in practice and appeals to consumers
Test Marketing: Launching the product on a small scale to evaluate consumer reaction to it
Fixed Costs: Costs that remain the same regardless of the number of products produced
Variable Costs: Costs that vary depending on how many units are produced
Break-even Point: Amount of sales that must be achieved at a particular price in order to cover costs and break even
Margin Of Safety: The amount by which a firms sales can drop before reaching break-even point

Marketing: Identifying the needs of consumers and then producing and selling products and services to satisfy those needs profitably
Marketing Strategy: Plan setting out how a business will identify and satisfy the customer needs identified by market research
Market Segmentation: Dividing consumers into different categories
Demographic Segmentation: Analyses the customers in terms of age, gender, income, social class, area, etc.
Psychological Segmentation: Analyses the customers based on their attitudes and tastes
Market Niche: A specific gap in the market for a new product/service
Product Positioning: Creating an image for a product in the mind of consumers in the target market
Product: Good or service produced to meet a customer need
Branding: Creating an identity for a product that clearly distinguishes it from competitors
Brand Leader: The brand with the highest percentage share of a particular market
Own-label Brands: Products sold by retailers under their own brand name
Patent: Provides legal protection of an invention or a design of a product to the inventor or designer
Trademark: Logos that are legally registered by a business to distinguish them and their products from competitors
Pricing Strategies: Aim to set a price that will help the firm to achieve its long-term marketing objectives
Mark-up/Cost-plus Pricing: Adding a standard percentage profit to the direct costs of production of the item to arrive at the final selling price
Psychological Pricing: Setting a price based on the expectations of the customers in the target market
Premium Pricing: A firm deliberately charges a higher price than competitors to create an impression of superior quality
Price Skimming: A firm charges a very high price at the launch of a new product with the intention of recovering the high development costs as quicly as possible
Profit-maximizing Pricing: Setting a price that will generate the largest amount of profit as quickly as possible
Penetration Pricing: When an initial low price is charged in order to capture as much market share as quickly as possible
Discriminatory Pricing: Charging different prices to different customers for the same product or service
Predatory Pricing: Setting prices below cost in order to drive a competitor out of the market
Loss Leader: Products sold at or below cost price in the hope of generating other more profitable sales
Place: Where customers will be able to access the goods or services
Channel of Distribution: The various paths that goods may follow from producer to consumer
Wholesalers: Businesses that buy in very large quantities from producers and sell in smaller quantities to retailers
Retailers: Outlets at the end of the chain of distribution that sell goods and services to consumers 
Agents: Businesses contracted to sell goods on behalf of a producer in a particular area
Promotion: All efforts made by the seller to communicate and influence the target market to buy a product
Advertising: Consists of messages designed to inform, persuade or remind people to buy a product or service
Point-of-sale Advertising: Uses promotional displays at the place of purchase
Merchandising: Point-of-sale promotional displays designed to attract attention to a product and increase sales
Personal Selling: Contacting existing and potential customers in person to generate sales
Telemarketing: Communicating with customers by telephone to generate sales and deal with customer queries and complaints
Direct Mail: Sending promotional messages directly to target customers, most commonly by post, door-to-door leafleting or e-mail
Spam: Electronic junk mail
Public Relations: Communicating with the media using news stories to create good publicity for a firm or its products or to respond to negative publicity
Sponsorship: Type of PR where a company pays money towards the cost of a sporting or other charitable cause

Getting Started
Sole Traders: Own and manage their own businesses
Partnerships: Two or more people (but not more than 20) are in business together in order to make a profit
Private Limited Company (Ltd): Businesses registered with the Companies Registration Office that are owned by investors called shareholders
Co-operatives: Businesses that are democratically owned and controlled by their members who may be the firms workers, suppliers or customers
Job Production: Producing a single product at a time usually customized to meet the needs of a particular customer
Batch Production: Manufacturing a limited number of identical goods at the same time
Mass Production: Continuous production of large quantities of identical goods 
Subcontracting: Finding a supplier to manufacture part of or the entire product for you
Business Plan: Document setting out who is setting up the enterprise, what is the product or service, how is it going to be produced and promoted, where it is going to be sold, where the finance is expected to come from and how much profit is expected to be generated

Business Expansion
Economies of Scale: Benefits that arise in a business as it becomes larger and more efficient
Organic Growth: A firm expands gradually through the use of its existing products or by developing new products
Inorganic Growth: Forming strategic alliances with, or by engaging in mergers and acquisitions of, other businesses
Licensing: Allowing other firms to use or sell an invention or design in return for payment of a licence fee or royalty
Franchising: Renting of a complete business idea, including name, logo and products to someone else
Diversification: Increasing the range of products or services offered by the business
Strategic Alliances: When two or more firms agree to co-operate in the establishment of a project or business together
Acquisitions/Takeovers: When one firm buys at least 50% of the voting shares of another firm and gains majority control
Subsidiaries: Companies where another company owns 50% or more of their shares
Mergers: When the managers and shareholders of tow companies of roughly equal size agree to voluntarily join together to form a single firm
Equity: Finance provided by the owners of a business
Retained Earnings: Profits are retained in the business to finance further developments
Debentures: Long-term fixed-interest loans secured on a valuable asset
Sale and Leaseback: Contract to raise cash by selling a piece of property and simultaneously leasing it back on a long-term lease

Tuesday, 9 June 2015

French Phrases- War versus Peace

La Geurre Ou La Paix
  • Miuex vaut la paix que la geurre
  • Le monde n'a jamias vraiment connu la paix
  • Vous avez entre vos mains le pouvoir d'arreter le massacre
  • Aprés une geurre, il n'y a jamais de vainqueur; que des survivants meurtris et des victimes
  • C'est trop facile de tout détruite. C'est trop difficile de reconstruire
  • Que retersit-t-il de notre monde aprés une geurre nucléaire?
  • N'aves-vous donc rien appris des lecons de l'histoire
  • Et-ce que la geurre est nécessaire pour éliminer le terrorisme?
  • Tout ces morts ne pèsent pas trop lourd sur votre conscience?
  • Imaginez toute cette destruction, toutes ces victimes
  • Pensez par deux fois avant de déclarer la geurre
  • Parlez! Discutez! Négocies! Mais ne vous pas battez pas! 
  • La diplomacie est préférable aux hostilités

French Phrases- Tourism

Le Tourisme
  • Le bureau iralndais du tourisme, Fáilte Ireland, dépense beaucoup d'argent chaque année afin d'attirer les ttouristes étrangers
  • Le tourisme est un de nos secteurs économiques les plus importants
  • Les touristes américains at européens viennent nombreux pour profiter de l'ambiance agréable et détendue de notre pays
  • L'Ouest de l'Irlande, surtout le Connemara, attire beaucoup de Francais. Il ya meme une chanson très connue en France qui en parle
  • L'Irlande a beaucoup d'attraits pour les touristes:
    • la beauté du paysage
    • l'air pur et rafrauchissant
    • les plages propres et presque désertes
    • les rivières pleines de poissons
    • la population sympathique
    • les chateaux anciens et les monasteres
    • l'ambiance conviviale des pubs
  • Évidemment, le temps est souvent variable et c'est un inconvénient
  • On dit aussi que les touristes étrangers trouvent les prix des restaurants et des hotels trop élevés
  • Nos routes départementales sont très mauvaises par rapport aux autres pays d'Europe de l'Ouest

French Phrases- Technology

Les Nouvelles Technologies
  • La technologie avance à un rythme vertigineux
  • On peut dire que l'on vit dans une époque technologique et informatique
  • Les progès se font dans plusiers secteurs, par exemple dans les domaines des télécommunications et de l'électronique
  • Dès leur plus jeune age, les enfants savent utiliser les ordinateurs et les téléphones portables
  • Les cassettes vidéo ont été remplacées par les DVD et les baladeurs par les iPods/lecteurs MP3
  • Il me semble que presque tous les jeunes de nos jours possèdent des appareils électroniques dernier cri
  • Personellement, j'ai peur qo'on ne devienne trop préoccupé par les progrès technologiques. Il n'y a qu'à regarder les enfants attendre avec impaience la sortie la dernière PlayStation
  • Comme toujours, il y a le pour et le contre. D'une part, les nouvelles technologies rendent la vie plus facile et plus confortable. D'autre part, on risque de voir le progrès technologique échapper au controle humain
  • Nos grands-parents et meme nos parents ont du mal à comprendre tout ces nouveaux gadgets. C'est un autre monde pour eux
  • Les ordinateurs font de plus en plus de travail. Certains métiers disparaissent et d'autres se créent
  • Une chose est certaine, le société et les technologies vont continuer à évoleur dans les anées à venir

French Phrases- Obesity and Young People

L'obésité Chez Les Jeunes
  • L'obésité chez les jeunes est un problème croissant de nos jours
  • De plus en plus d'enfants et d'adolescents sont aujourd'hui en surpoids
  • On dit que les causes principales de l'obésité sont une alimentation de plus en plus déséquilibrée et un manque d'exercice physique
  • Les jeunes mènent une vie trop sédentaire. Ils passent trop de temps à regarder la télé ou à surfer le Net, et ils ne font pas assez d'exercice
  • Il faut manger de facon saine et équilibrée, et faire de l'exercice pour se sentir bien et pour garder la ligne
  • Les habitutes alimentaires de la famille jouent un role important
  • Il faut que les parents encouragent leurs enfants à respecter la bonne vieille habitude de manger trois fois par jour
  • Les parents devraient encourager les bonnes habitudes alimentaires chez leurs enfants
  • Souvent, l'enfant a le droit de manger comme il veut, avec une consommation importante de sucreries, de biscuits et de boissons sucrées
  • Avant les xours ou pendant la pause-déjeuner, les jeunes achètent des fraindises, comme des chips et des sodas, dans les distributeurs automatiques
  • On devrait interdire les distributeurs automatiques qui vendent des boissons sucrées et des produits salés comme des chips à l'école et les remplacer par des distributeurs vendant des bouteilles d'eau et des fruits
  • Il faut obliger les cantines scolaires à servir de la nourriture saine
  • Le fast-food fait partie de notre style de vie et ce n'est pas forcément mauvais
  • Manger dans un fast-food de temps en temps ne fait de mal à personne
  • Le problème de l'obésité n'est pas aussi simple qu'on pourrait le croire
  • Il faut prendre en compte l'influence des facteurs génétiques au niveau de controle de l'appétit et du poids
  • L'obésité est une maladie qui peu avoir de graves conséquences physiques et psychologiques
  • Dans notre société obsédée par la minceur les jeunes en surpoids souffrent beaucoup
  • Les adolescents sont souvents malheureux après avoir pris du poids

French Phrases- Racism

Le Racisme
  • Le racime existe depuis toujours
  • Partout dans le monde, il y a des centaines de milliers de personnes qui n'ont pas d'autre choix que de quitter luer pays natal à cause de vagues de racisme, de génocides ou d'épurations ethniques. Ce sont des réfugiés. 
  • Un exemple de racisme et de ses conséquences au vingtième siècle est l'holocauste, lorsque les nazis an Allemagne ont tenté d'exterminer la population juive
  • Les gens du voyage en Irlande sont parfois traités commes des citoyens de deuxième classe et ceci représente une forme de racisme
  • Il y a cent ans, nous, les irlandais, étions victimes de racisme aux États-Unis et en Australie. On nous méprisait
  • La discrimination liée à la couleur de peau, aux origines ou à la religion est absolument inacceptable et injuste
  • Il ne faut pas tolérer l'intimidation
  • À mon avis, on devrait traiter tout le monde de la meme facon. Nous sommes tout égaux
  • Il faut de tout pour faire un monde, comme un dit en francais

French Phrases- Protection of the Environment

La Protection de l'environnement
  • Dans notre société moderne, le pollution est causée par différents facteurs
  • Les produits chimiques contaminent les rivières et les lacs
  • Notre atmosphère est polluée par la fumée des usines et des cheminées domestiques
  • Le gaz d'échappement des voitures dans nos villes posent un sérieux problème pour l'environnement
  • Les aérosols qui contiennent des CFC abiment et augmentent le trou de la couche d'ozone
  • Il y a plus en plus de marées noires qui endommagent les plages, la faune et la flore
  • Des gens jennent des ordures, des canettes, des mégots de cigarette et du chewing-gum par terre
  • Je crois que la destruction des forets tropicales est un des problèmes les plus inquiétants de notre époque. On dit que vingt hectares de foret disparaissent à chaque minute
  • La société moderne est basée sur le profit et l'exploitation des resources naturelles. Nous risquons de détruite l'environnement
  • Le réchauffement de la planète est un problème très inquiétant
  • Il y a de plus en plus de catastrophes naturelles comme les ouragans et la sécheresse
  • Il y a des espèces qui sont en voie de disparition comme par exemple les ours polaires
  • On doit interdire les aérosols et les produits chimiques qui nuisent à la santé et à l'atmosphére
  • On devrait acheter du papier recyclable
  • Il faut trier les déchets et recycler au maximum
  • Il faut que chaque foyer recycle les ordures domestiques et essaie de réutiliser des produits autant que possible 
  • Je fais de mon mieux pour protéger la planète en apportant la meme boite à déjeuner à l'école chaque jour
  • On devrait prendre les transports en commun
  • Je trouve que les énergies éolienne et solaire sont beaucoup plus saines
  • On devrait installer des panneaux solaires chez nous
  • L'environnement n'est pas la propriété de notre génération. Il faut protéger notre planète pour les générations à venir
  • Il faut punir très sévèrement les gens et les entreprises qui ne respectent pas les lois
  • Si j'étais ministre de l'environnement, j'offrirais plus d'argent aux associations qui travaillent pour la protection de l'environnement
  • Il est vrai que certaines avancées sont évidentes. Par exemple, les compagnies pétrolières ont introduit depuis longtemps les carbutants sans plomb

French Phrases- Fashion

La Mode
  • De nos jours, tout le monde s'intéresse à la mode: les jeunes comme les gens plus agés, les garcons comme les filles
  • Les magazines et la télévision nous tiennent au courant de ce qui se passe au niveau de la mode
  • Ce qui est cool un jour est démodé le lendemain
  • Les produits de marque pour les vetements, les accessoires, les parfums, etc. sont très demandés
  • Les ens sont séduits par la publicité. Ils se sentent obligés de suivre la mode dans un monde de plus en plus commercial et matérialiste
  • Les jeunes filles, souvent très minces, essaient de ressembler aux top-models ou aux 'Girl Bands', ce qui  est souvent une vraie source de soucis pour leur parents
  • Énornément de jeunes travaillent à mi-temps pour pouvoir s'acheter des vetements branchés, comme leur copains
  • Le bronzage artificiel est de plus en plus tendance chez les filles/les femmes
  • Parfois, je me demande si la beauté naturelle est en voie de disparition

French Phrases- Alcohol

L'alcool et l'alcoolisme
  • Je bois un peu de temps en temps pour me detendre, mais toujour avec modération
  • Beaucoup de jeunes boivent pour etre branchés ou pour faire comme leurs copains
  • Dans notre société, les jeunes font souvent la féte le weekend ou aprés les examens. Ils ne se rendent pas compte des conséquences de l'alcool sur leur santé
  • L'abus d'alcool peut provoquer de graves problèmes de santé commes des cirrhoses du foie
  • Les adolescents boivent parfois pour oublier la pression du bac
  • L'attitude des gens envers l'alcool a changé ces derniers temps: autrefois, on acceptait les ivrognes, mais ce n'est plus le cas
  • Une consommation modérée ne fait de mal à personne. Il faut connaitre ses limites et savoir s'arreter
  • Je suis totalement contre l'alcool et je ne bois jamais
  • L'alcool nuit a la santé 
  • C'est la cause principale des accidents de la route
  • Quand on boit son salaire, il ne reste plus rien pour nourrir sa famille
  • Pour les sportifs, il est impossible de garder la forme et de boire en meme temps
  • L'alcool cause des problèmes sociaux et des problèmes dans les familles, comme des disputes
  • À mon avis, il y a trop de publicité à la télévision pour l'alcool
  • Les jeunes/adolescents sont souvents influencés par ce qu'ils voient à la télévision

Sunday, 7 June 2015

Irish Essay- The Education System

Coras Oideachais
Déarfá gur coras oideachais den scoth againn in Éirinn. Caithfear a rá gur buntaistí ag baint leis an coras oideachais sa tír seo, ach i mo thuairim tá i bhfad níos mó míbhuntaistí. Leis na cianta cairbreacha bhí cáil an oideachais ar Éirinn. 'Oileán na Naomh is na nOllúna' a tugadh ar an tír sa Mhéanaois. Tá stair den oideachais agus ollúna sa tír seo, ach táimid san aonú haois fichead anois. Teastaíonn athrú ar an coras oideachais uainn anois.

I measc na buntaistí ag baint leis an gcóras oideachais, tá an CAO agus corás na bpointí. I mo thuairim, tá corás na bpoiirúdú stáit in Éirinn gan ainm. Níl aon fábhar sa CAO, neamhchosúil na tíortha eile, agus is rud iontach é seo. Tugann siad deis do dhaoine óga chun torthaí cothrom a fhaigeann gan aon fábhar.

Cé nach bhfuil gach rud leis an gcoras oideachais go dona sa tír seo, tá a lán fadhbanna ag baint leis an gcóras. Tá fadhb an-mhór ag baint leis na áiseanna atá ar fáil sna meanscoileanna. Tá easpa áiseanna ag gach leibhéal, ach na meanscoileanna ach go háirithe. Is náireach é na foirgnimh. Bíonn siad ag titim as a chéile, le seanchórais teasa a bhriseann síos go rialtaagus fuinneoga a ligeann isteach an ghaoth agus an báistech. Bíonn ganntanas spáis ann agus bíonn an ranganna i bhfad rómhór. Conas is féidir leis an múinteoir freastal ar gach dalta go pearsanta faoi na coinníollacha seo? Tá na ranganna plódaithe de bharr coibhneas dalta/muinteoir. Bíonn fíor-easpa áiseanna spóirt áirithe ar fáil i roinnt dár scoileanna toisc nach bhfuil na áiseanna acu chun iad a sholáthar. 

 Tá daoine ann den tuairim go bhfuil an mheanscolaíocht ach go háirithe ró-acadúil agus go bhfuil an réimse ábhar róchung. Aontaím le seo. Níl an réimse ábhar ar fáil sa scoil réadúil ar bith. Tá na cuig nó sé bliana a chaitheann gach duine óg dírithe ar ábhar acadúil, mar shampla mata nó bearla. Níl a lán ábhar praiticiúil ar fáil, agus is scannal é seo. Chomh maith leis sin, tá réimse ábhar an-gnéasaíoch. Tá tuairim do gach duine go mbíonn ábhar áirithe ar fáil do bhuachaillí nó do cailíní. Mar shampla, ceapann daoine áirithe gur ábhar baininscneach é eacnámaíocht baile. Ach níl sé seo ceart. Tá a lán buachaillí ag tógáil eacnámaíocht baile, agus is brea leo í. Tá an tuairim seo seanfhaiseanta agus caolaigeanta.

Gné eile a chaintear go minic in Éirinn ná tionchar na ngorlanna ar an gcoras oideachais. Ní aontaím leis na gorlanna. Ceapaim gur rud míchothrom iad. Cuireann siad brú agus costas millteannach ar an dalta agus ar a dtuismitheoirí. Bhain siad aon áit idir cúig no deich míle euro gach bhliain do na daltaí. Ceapann gach duine in Éirinn má íoc ann tú cuig míle euro gach bhliain agus go bhfaighfidh tú shé céad is fiche cúig bpointí san Ardteist. Is bréag é seo. Tá mé ag freastal scoil pobail , agus tá torthaí ar fheabhas ann. Agus sna gorlanna, tá na daltaí ag stáidear dhá uair dhéag gach lá. Tosaíonn na daltaí ar a naoi a chlog sa maidin, agus críochanna siad ar a naoi a chlog sa trathnóna. Tá na gorlanna ró-chostasach agus tá na coinníollacha oibre craiceáilte. 

Déarfá gur coras oideachais den scoth againn in Éirinn. Ní aontaím le seo. Tá fhios agam go bhfuil ann corás cothrom, tá i bhfad rómhór fadhbanna ag baint leis.

Saturday, 6 June 2015

Irish Essay- Technology

An Teicneolaíocht
Is é an t-idirlíon agus an teicneolaíocht an tionchar is mó na laethanta seo. Tráth da raibh, fuair daoine an t-eolas a bhí uathu faoin domhan mórthimpeall orthu ón nuachtán, ón teilifís, ón raidió, ó leabhar agus ó irisí. Ach inniu, deanaimid gach rud ar an idirlíon: éisteacht le ceol, breathnú ar scannán agus nuacht a leamh.Caitheann daoine óga cuid mhór ama ag scimeáil ar an idirlíon nó ag caint lena gcairde ar na lionraí sóisialta, mar shampla Facebook, Twitter nó Instagram. Ní féidir éalú ón teicneolaíocht sa lá atá inniu ann. Tá sí inár dtithe, inár scoileanna, inár bpócaí agus ar na sraideanna.

Is iontach an dul chun cinn atá déanta ag an teicneolaíocht le blianta beaga anuas. Cá mbeimis gan iPod, an iPhone agus an iPod inniu. Is féidir linn leabhar nó nuachtáin a leamh ar an iPad. Tá an t-eolas ar chursaí an domhan ar fáil le gach duine i ngach áit. Is féidir linn grainghraf a thógáil, cluichí a imirt agus teangacha a fhoghlaim leis an bhfón póca inár bpócaí. Chomh maith leis sin, tá na ceadta míle amhrán agus fiseán ar fáil ar appana YouTube. 

Ar an lámh eile, tá a lán contuirt ag baimt leis an idirlíon leis na líonraí sóisialta. Déarfa gur áiseanna iontacha iad na líonraí sóisialta agus go dtugann siad deis do dhaoine óga cairde a dhéanamh agus cumarsáid a dhéanamh le daoine eile ar fud an domhain. Ach déanann roinnt daoine óga go mbíonn eolas pearsanta a chur ar ail acu. Labhraíonn said go hoscailte faoi eolas pearsana fúthu fein. Cloistear scéalta faoi bhulaíocht ar Facebook nó ar Tá an dáinsear ann i gconaí go mbíonn daoine ag insint breag ar na meain sóisialta chun daoine goilliúnacha a mhealladh.

Is í an bhulaíocht an fhadhb is mó sa tsochaí idir dhaoine óga sa lá atá inniu ann. Ar na lionraí sóisialta, tá sé an-easca chun bhulaíocht a dhéanamh ar dhaoine eile. De réir suirbhe a rinneadh, mhaígh 14% de na buachaillí agus 18% de na cailiní go ndearnadh bulaíocht orthu ar an idirlíon nó ar a bhfón póca. Is féidir le haon duine tuairimí a nochtadh ar bhlag nó ar laethanach, bidís fior, bréagach, mailíseach nó scanallach. Ní boithrín príobháideach é an t-idirlíon a thuilleadh ach mótorbhealach leathan lánoscailte.

Tá an-chuid airgead le saothrú as fograíocht ar an idirlíón agus an brabach sin ag dul i meid in aghaidh an lae. Nuair a théann tú ar an idirlíon, feicfidh tú fograíocht i ngach áit. B'fhiú 4 billiún euro an gnó seo sa bhliain 2010. Is féidir fógraíocht shaor a dhéanamh ar na meain shóisialta. Faigheann ceoltóirí, scríbhneoirí agus filí deis a gcuid oibre a chur os comhair an domhan mór ar bhealeach a bhí dodhéanta deich mbliana ó shin. Ach, sa tír seo. níl aon ríalú curtha i bhfeidhm ag rialtas chun an tomhaltóir a chosaint ón méid fograíochta ar an ríomhaire.

Cé go bhfuil míbhuntaistí leo, tá na meain sóisialta linn agus beidh siad ag fás agus ag forbairt sna blianta amach romhainn. Ní aithneoidh ár sinsir saol an lae inniu. An teicneolaíocht is cúis leis sin. Ní féidir le haon duine an clog a chur siar. Tá an t-idirlíon agus na líonraí sóisialta linn, agus is rudaí iontacha iad. Muidne a chruthaigh an teicneolaíocht, bimís inár maistrí uirthi, ná ligimis di ár saol a stiúradh ach usáidimis í lenár saol a dhéanamh níos fearr.

Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Leaving Cert Regional Geography Essay

Secondary Activity in the Greater Dublin Area
The Dublin area is the location for nearly 25% of Ireland's manufacturing industries. 40% of people in the area are employed in manufacturing. Dublin is a nodal point, a focus of route ways, rail and air networks in Ireland. It contains Ireland's main port and airport, providing direct access to foreign markets. During the 1990's, 60% of all new industrial development in Ireland was in the Dublin region. Ireland's rate of corporation tax, 12.5%, is lower than other countries. This attracts MNC's here. Modern infrastructure, state of the art telecommunications and accessible industrial estates attract MNC's. Knowledge-based MNC's are also attracted to the area because of its well-educated workforce. 80% of third-level colleges in Ireland are located in the region. The educated workforce has a low age profile: 45% are under 25 years old. Industrial output per worker is higher in the Dublin region, and the manufacturing wages are 10% higher than the national average. 

The Dublin region has a wide variety of industries. They range from traditional industries to modern growth industries. Traditional industries make use of the raw materials available from the farms in the region. They tend to locate close to the City centre because of proximity to the port. Examples of traditional industries are Guinness and the Irish Independent. Modern growth industries like Google and Pfizer locate on the outskirts of the city. Due to the M50, this area is easily accessible and still has a large labour pool.

Satellite towns allow for future expansion of businesses in the Greater Dublin Region. Pfizer has picked in the satellite town off Clondalkin jut off the M50. It currently employs around 1000 people here and has invested over €640 million in the Science Foundation Ireland. 

Manufacturing is widely dispersed in the Greater Dublin Region. Dublin is the largest centre for ICT in Europe. However, the Dublin Region is highly dependent on foreign investment. Over 800 foreign-owned companies are located here, 350 of which are American. Dublin has recently suffered many job losses due to foreign companies withdrawing from Ireland. In 2009, 30000 jobs were lost in the Dublin region.

Friday, 13 February 2015

Business Acts - Leaving Cert Business

Business Acts - Leaving Cert Business
If you are taking business for Leaving Cert, these 6 acts are absolutely essential. One of them comes up every year in Q1 and they really are an easy way to gain a few marks. 

Consumer Protection Act
  • Protects consumers from unfair business-to-consumer commercial practices.
What does it do?
1. Prohibits false product descriptions 
  • eg. second hand cars sold as new
2. Prohibits false prices
  • This includes past, present and future prices.
  • Goods must be on sale for at least 28 consecutive days at a higher price before they go on sale
3. Prohibits false or misleading advertising
  • eg. advertising acrylic jumpers as 100% wool
4. Prohibits businesses from engaging in aggressive         practices 
  • eg. demanding payment for unsolicited goods
5. Established the National Consumer Agency

What is the National Consumer Agency?
The National Consumer Agency is the State Agency that promotes consumer awareness of their legal rights and ensuring consumer legislation is obeyed by businesses.
  1. Enforcing consumer law: they can give fines, take businesses to court or enter business premises.
  2. Provides information and advice to consumers on their legal rights: this is mainly done through their website
  3. Provides information to businesses about their legal responsibilities towards consumers
  4. Advises the government on how to protect consumer welfare
  5. Publishes a 'Consumer Protection List' of businesses found to have breached consumer law

Industrial Relations Act 1990
  • Sets out rules concerning industrial disputes and strikes
1. Disputes must be legitimate
  • Can dispute over pay, conditions, work duties, dismissals, union recognition or employment policies
  • Can't dispute over how the business is run or over political issues
2. Unions must hold a secret ballot to get majority approval     for a strike
  • how each person votes is confidential
3.Unions must give at least one weeks notice to     management before going on strike

4. Official disputes are legitimate disputes that have majority approval in a secret ballot and support from ICTU and a trade union

5. Immunity: Employers cannot sue unions/employees for loss of earnings during an official dispute

6.Unofficial disputes do not have union or ICTU approval
  • They are illegal
  • Wildcat strike: An unofficial dispute with no advance warning given to management
7. Picketing: employees and trade union officials walking up and down outside the workplace during a strike
  • Primary picketing outside the employers workplace is allowed as long as it is peaceful
  • Secondary picketing of another business is illegal
8. Established the Labour Relations Commission

What is the Labour Relations Commission?
The Labour Relations Commission is the state agency that helps to resolve industrial disputes. They provide:
  1. Conciliation Services: Industrial Relations Officers at the LRC hep employers and union representatives to come to a solution. Any suggested solutions are not legally binding.
  2. Rights Commissioners: help resolve disputes involving one person or a small group of workers concerning unfair dismissals, maternity leave or disciplinary procedures.
  3. Industrial Relations Advisory Services for queries about employment law and good human resource practices.
  4. Codes of practice: recommended voluntary rules set out by the LRC that are used to resolve industrial disputes.

Unfair Dismissals Act 1977 to 2007
  • Law preventing employees from being unfairly dismissed from a job that they have been employed in more for more than one year
Fair Dismissals:
1. Employee was incompetent or incapable of doing their job properly
  • eg. due to absenteeism
2. Employees conduct was unacceptable
  • eg. being drunk at work
3. The job was made redundant
  • workers are let go because there isn't enough work for them to do
  • can be voluntary or compulsory
4. The employer followed proper dismissal procedures
  • includes giving warnings for breaches of company law
Unfair Dismissals:
1. Employer didn't follow proper dismissal procedures

2. Employer can't prove the employee was incompetent or incapable of doing the job

3. Employer can't prove the employees conduct was unacceptable

4. Employer can't prove the job was made redundant

5. Employer engages in constructive dismissal
  • employer makes working conditions for the employee so bad that they are forced to leave the job
6. Dismissed after any period of time for:
  • need to take maternal, parental, adoptive or carers leave
  • joining a trade union or going on strike
  • complaining about breaches of minimum wage laws
  • religious or political opinions
  • their age
  • their race, colour, gender or sexual orientation
Employees rights after dismissal:
1. To know reasons for dismissal

2. To reply to those reasons

3. To have a fair hearing of dismissal and to be accompanied by a trade union representative

Penalties for unfair dismissals:
1. Financial compensation of up to 2 years pay

2. Reinstatement in the job and financial compensation for loss of earnings 

3. Reinstatement in same or similar job with no financial compensation
  • occurs if employee contributed to the dismissal

What is the Employment Appeals Tribunal?
The Employment Appeals Tribunal is the state agency responsible for ensuring the Unfair Dismissals Act 1977 to 2077 is obeyed by all businesses.

Employment Equality Act 1998

  • Law that states it is illegal to discriminate at work on the basis of:
    1. Gender
    2. Marital status
    3. Family Status
    4. Age 
    5. Disability
    6. Race
    7. Sexual Orientation
    8. Religious beliefs
    9. Being a traveller
  • Discrimination: when one person is treated less favourably than another person in a comparable situation
  • Covers job applicants, employees and customers
  • Set up The Equality Authority and The Director of Equality Investigation
What is The Equality Authority?
The Equality Authority is the state agency responsible for ensuring businesses do not break equality laws.
  • Monitors the operation of equality legislation
  • Advises employers, employees and customers of their legal rights and responsibilities regarding discrimination
  • Assists people with equality complaints
What is The Director of Equality Investigations?
The Director of Equality Investigations is responsible for investigating complaints concerning discrimination referred by The Equality Authority.

Dealing with discrimination
  • Talk 
  • Seek help
    • Either from a trade union or The Equality Authority
  • Cases get referred to The Director of Equality Investigations by The Equality Authority
    • serious cases: investigated by equality officers who offer arbitration services
    • less serious cases: equality mediators use conciliation services

Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003
  • Any organisation storing information on other people on a computer or in manual files must ensure the information is accurate and kept up to date
  • Data subject: someone who has information held about them by someone else
  • Data controller: someone who holds information about someone else
Rights of Data Subjects: 
1. Right to access files
  • entitled to get a full copy of the information held on them within 40 days of asking for it
2. Right to correction of errors
  • also have the right to have their names removed from direct marketing mailing lists
3. Right to compensation where inaccurate information   causes harm

4. Right not be subjected to automated decision-making

Responsibilities of Data Subjects:
1. To obtain information openly and fairly

2. To only use information for the specific reason it was given for

3. To have all their information stored securely

4. To give data subjects access to information stored about them

5. To keep all their information accurate and up to date

6. To delete or correct inaccurate information

What is The Data Protection Commissioner?
The Data Protection Commissioner is responsible for ensuring the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 are obeyed.
  • To provide information to the public about the acts
  • To keep a register of organisations that hold sensitive information eg. banks
  • To develop codes of practice to keep within the law
  • To investigate complaints from the public about breaches of the Acts

Friday, 6 February 2015

Irish Essay- The Lives of Young People

Irish Essay- Young People

This is a Leaving Cert higher level A1 standard essay. Hope it helps! 

Saol a bhíonn ag aos óg an lae inniu
Tuismitheoirí! Muinteoirí! Brú na scrúduithe! Rás na bpointí! An dífhostaíocht! Ganntanas airgid! A leithéid de shaol agus a bhíonn ag an aos óg an lae inniu! Bíonn déagóirí i gcónaí ag gearán, nach mbíonn? Ní féidir iad a shásamh, an féidir? Bhuel, is déagóir mise agus ba mhaith liom mo thuairimí faion scéal a nochtadh diut, a léitheoir. Is dócha go bhfuil an ceart ag na daoine fásta. Ní bhimíd riamh sásta leis an saol brea compordach atá againn. Ach, dar liomsa, is measa na fadhbanna a bhíonn ag daoine óga anois ná riamh. Is dóigh liom go mbaineann siad leis an mbrú ón gcóras oideachais, ó shaol na nuatheicneolaíochta agus ón gcorás maireachtála ina mhairimid.

Is é mo thuairim gur i gcúrsaí oideachais a mhothaíonn an déagóir bocht an brú is mó. B'fhearr liom an sioc sa samhradh ná é. Is geall le hifreann ar chlár na cruinne an seomra ranga do dhéagóirí áirithe! Mhothaimid an iomarca brú taobh istigh den scoil agus anuas ar sin tá an brú millteannach a bhaineann le corás na bpointí. Má's féidir leat cúpla céad leathanach a chur ar ghlanmheabhair, éiróidh leat! An bhfuil rogha eile ann? Is léir do chách an baol atá ann faoin am seo agus teastaíonn comhoibriú agus tuiscint chaun an fhadhb seo a réiteach. Tar éis an tsaoil, níl an t-aos óg déanta as iarann!

Is léir domsa gurbh í an ghlúin seo an ghlúin is sláintiúla riamh dar leis na firicí, ach is í an ghlúin is mó atá i mbaol freisin ó thaobh na ndrugaí de. Caithfear a rá gur galar uafásach sa tsochaí é galar na ndrugaí. Sa lá atá inniu ann, feictear an mangaire drugaí i ngach áit- amuigh i lár na tuaithe, istigh i lár na cathrach, sna bailte móra, sna sráidbhailte agus mar sin de. Is rud é atá ag dó na geirbe agamsa. Ach an féidir é a athrú? Dá mbeadh plean fadtéarmach ag na húdaráis agus dá mbainfí an leas is fearr as na hacmhainní atá ann, d'fhéadfaí an scéal a leigheas, b'fhéidir.

Feictear domsa, áfach, dá olcas fadhb na ndrugaí, go bhfuil fadhb an alcóil i bhfad níos measa. Tá cultúr an óil frámaithe go domhain i meon na ndaoine in Éirinn. An bhfuil plean fadtéarmach ag na húdaráis chun tabhairt faoin bhfadhb seo? An bhfuil an fhadhb imithe ó smacht ar fad faoin am seo? Cinnte, is próiseas casta atá ann. Gach oíche, scaoileann na tithe tábhairne na mílte daoine óga amach ar na sráideanna go déanach i dteannta a chéile agus a bhformhór caoch ar meisce. Is minic a ionsaíonn fír óga a chéile tar éis óiche ólacháin agus is minic freisin a tharlaíonn tubaiste uafásach.

Dar liomsa, cuireann na meáin chumarsáide brú millteanach orainn. Ní beag a bhfuil ráite faoi faoin am seo. Feictear domsa go mbíonn tionchar nach beag an nuachtáin agus irisí ar dhaoine óga, ar chailiní óga go háirithe. Tóg cursaí faisin mar shampla amháin agus na hirisí uile atá ar fáil ar an ábhar sin. Is dóigh liom nach bhfuil féidir a bheith ró-thanaí sa lá atá inniu ann. Feictear aisteoirí agus réaltaíceoil agus mainiciní cáiliúla sna hirisí seo agus iad ar a mbealach chuig cóisir éigin i Hollywood. Níl dabht ar bith i m'aigne ach go gcuireann na pictiúr de na daoine seo istech ar chailiní óga goiliúnacha. Táimíd dubh dóite de faoin am seo. Mar a deir an seanfhocal 'is in ithe na putóige a bhíonn a tastáil' ach is léir nach bhfuil na réaltaí áille seo  ag ithe tada!

Deirtear go mbíonn saol an mhada bháin ag aos óg an lae inniu. Ní féidir liom aontú le sin. Tá saol an lae inniu thar a bheith casta. Ní hionann an saol anois agus an saol a bhí ann in aimsir ár dtuismitheoirí. B'fhéidir go raibh saol crua acusan ach creidim féin go raibh níos lú brú orthu agus níos lú fadhbanna le sárú acu. Creidimse gur muidne an ghlúin is mó atá i mbaol riamh ó thaobh brú na scoile de. ó thaobh sciúirse na ndrugaí de, ó thaobh fadhb an óil de agus ó thaobh drochthionchar na meán chumarsáide de. Tá brú na scoile millteannach ar fad. Tá fadhb na ndrugaí docheansaithe. Tá cultúr an óil imithe ó smacht ar fad agus é frámaithe go domhain i measc an aosa óig. Agus brú na hArdteistiméireachta? Caithfear é a mhothú chun é a chreidiúint.

Saol brea bog? Saol an mhada bháin? Ní dóigh liom é!